Lloyd Dobler: No. You just described every great success story.
-Say Anything
They say there are two types of women in the world: the Jake Ryan women and the Lloyd Dobler women. Jake Ryan women are the realist who long for the epitome of hunk-dom, the perfect teeth smiling jock. The 2nd batch of women, the idealist are Lloyd Dobler women. Lloyd Dobler is the sweet, sensitive, trench coat, wearing droopy faced hero of all that is chivalrous. While women marry the Jake Ryan, they dream of Lloyd Dobler.
Simple fact.
Now it is not so much that women love John Cusack (even though it seems many of his characters are extensions of Lloyd Dobler- ie: Rob Gordon in "High Fidelity" is basically Lloyd Dobler in his 30's), rather women are in love with Cusack as Lloyd Dobler and it in this day and age it may seem stalker-ish to stand outside a women's bedroom playing Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes" and many women will identify it as stalker like... beneath the exterior facade women probably find it romantic to do such a thing.
Its a weird dichotomy. It's the Tao of Lloyd Dobler.
Most men dream of being the Marlon Brando's and the James Dean's not many idealize themselves as Lloyd Dobler's. But for the select few of us (like me) we find we relate more to Lloyd Dobler than the Brando's or the Dean's.
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