Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Miles Per Life: Reborn and Ranting

Haven't written here in a while, I figure now is as good a time as any to get back into the swing of things. Could it be the sheer stress I feel from the paper and work or is it that blogging is really the last creative outlet I have. Recently many ideas have been swirling about my head. Why Am I a Journalist? I don't know if I love journalism and as I have said in an earlier blog, if journalism is right for me. I would like to be more creative and write my "Gatsby" but alas it does not seem that is happening any time soon, so maybe I will settle for 'Gossip Girl'  or maybe I could just aspire to be like David Duchovony's character on 'Californication,' write one great novel, fuck a lot, do some blow, and have the wonderful life of being a sex addicted womanizing father of one but that really does not fit me to well, I have problems with wordplay (well the sex and blow would be easy but how could I write the great novel). Here I am one star among others in space. Maybe its the Los Angeles lifestyle that is bothering me. If Fox Mulder (Duchovny again) isn't the Socrates of television this is description of California: its hell. Maybe the Mecca of writing and Art is New York like the show suggests or maybe Mecca is what you make of it. I could argue that this all stems from me feeling a bit older. As Feigned Interest suggests: there is something about me that seems a lot older. I seemed to be more reserved this semester, less loud and obnoxious, I wear more ties and dress shirts, and funny hats. Or maybe its because I pine for her too long, and don't look around enough. Whatever it may be this i know for sure: Thank god for blogs. 

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