Sunday, April 6, 2008

Miles Per Writer's Block

"We're only interested in one thing, Bart. Can you tell a story? Can you make us laugh? Can you make us cry? Can you make us want to break out in joyous song? Is that more than one thing? Okay! "

-From the movie, "Barton Fink"

It's like the train station in your head has just made the last stop for the day. The gears make one last turn before completely pausing and then complete and utter blackness like a tunnel. Writer's block may be the greatest threat to a warrior of the pen. For without the ability to write you are obsolete. Useless in design. You write not because you want to (well let me rephrase that..sometimes you have to) but because your whole livelihood depends on what you scribble down on to the blank page that is staring back at you with its little beady white eyes. Right now my biggest block comes from a couple things: 1) my ability as a student journalist 2) the unfinished screenplay that has been dormant for the past 2 months. You may be saying why there is some irony in the fact that I am suffering from writer's block and yet I am able to compose this blog. This is more of an "exercise" for is to help me stimulate my thoughts then maybe I will compose something of use later...also my last post was last Sunday so I must have been suffering from some serious writer's block. Most of the time it is not so much the ideas you are presenting it is the presentation of the ideas. Every writer has great ideas, some great ideas have not been so great stories yet we choose to accept these ideas because it is a keep writing no matter how shitty or contrived it can be you keep writing because that is your weapon of choice...what is the best cure for writer's block? writing. As plain as simple as that. If the Coen Brothers can make a movie like Barton Fink while suffering a writer's block then there is some hope for the rest of us writers. right?